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Does evolution or intelligent design better explain life's diversity?
Summary of the creation-evolution debate. Walter ReMine vs. Massimo Pigliucci Held at the University of Minnesota

Rules of the Debate between Dave Thomas and Walter Remine
Comparisons of molecules... of various species provide independent and compelling support for the hypothesis of biological macro-evolution

Dinosaur National Monument, Red Fleet State Park, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, Black Dragon Canyon, Bryce Canyon & Zion

Review of "Poor Design: An Invalid Argument Against Intelligent Design" by Jerry Bergman
Evolutionists... attempt to
question the intelligence of the designer they so adamantly oppose.

Reason becomes unreliable precisely at that point where the will has gone astray.

Life in Outer Space: Just Add Water?
Radio Telescopes have been scanning the universe for decades looking for signs of coded messages from distant stars or galaxies

Darwin and the Return of the Alchemists
The aim of science is to reveal truth. Thereto science puts questions like: Is the earth flat or round?

Review of “The Scandal of the Evangelical Mind” by Mark Noll
This is not a new book. It was published in 1996. But it has had a long and influential life. Why should a pediatrician review it?

Summary Evoskepsis Association Criticism of the Theory of Evolution
An important rule of science, frequently applied by reviewers, is that invalid theory is put into the garbage can, even when no alternative

Teaspoonicine Morphological Development
You've probably heard of the primordial soup, the great ocean of amino acid rich water from which the first cells allegedly arose.

Tenure No Longer Protects Creationist Professors
Professor Change Laura Tan expelled:
A new book about a new case

The Religion of Global Warming II
Is there any doubt that “Global Warming Environmentalism” is a religion?

No Room in the Inn? What a Blessing
Most modern preachers and songwriters have no idea what an ancient Judean inn was like.

The Evolution of a Theistic Evolutionist
I was astounded and wondered why this point of view had never come up in my science classes.

Review of "The Dark Side of Charles Darwin: A Critical Analysis of an Icon of Science"
This is a valuable book and a reminder of the strong delusion that pervades academia.

Where Did I Come From? What Difference Does It Make?
There are basically two possible explanations for our origin.

Young Earth Creation: The Biblical Evidence
I think that a straightforward reading of Scripture would lead to a young earth creation view if it were not for the conviction that science

Young Earth Creation: The Scientific Evidence
Origins is like forensic science. There are no controlled experiments on the origin of life as it actually happened.

Intelligent Design
This is a huge topic involving science, philosophy and law.

Summary of the Response to my Talk To the Jewish Community Relations Council 3/9/06
The talk to the Jewish Community Relations Council today at noon was very interesting.

There are all sorts of different reasons for believing in God, and here I will mention only one.

God Does Not Believe In Atheists!
Really! God does not believe in atheists. Sure, He knows there are those who claim there is no God. But first of all, He calls them fools.

Admission of Function: Junking Slurs about 'Junk DNA'
July 11 is the 10th anniversary of the publication of theistic evolutionist Francis Collins’ The Language of God

Yellowstone/Grand Tetons
Come and look with our biblical glasses and give glory to God.
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