Bob Helfinstine, President                   bobhelf{at}
Dave Johnson, Editor            david.johnson{at}
Russ McGlenn,
Adventure Safaris  russmcglenn{at}
John Nuckols, Adventure Safaris        jpnuckols{at}
Ross Olson, Webmaster                    ross{at}
Byron Twiss, Treasurer                    twissb{at}

Coming up . . .
Our year is already just about filled with interesting programs, check these out.
May 15, Jill Whitlock, Creation and Flood Geology
June 19, Dr. Edward Blick - Genesis Vs. Evolution
July 17, An informative creation video is planned
Sept. 18, Dr. Don Chittick, Puzzle of Ancient Man
Oct. 16, Panel of Experts to answer your questions

CERC Update

Do you know about the Christian Educational Resource Center library in Roseville? With over 5000 books, tapes and CDs they have something for everyone. You can contact them at 651-604-0907 or cerc{at} for information on hours and address.

Summer Camp Needs

  • Camper-Trailer rent for five weeks - $750
  • Commercial band radios - $750
  • Telephone expenses from remote locations - $500
  • "Thunderbolt" rock chisel and punch - $175
  • Camping equipment for students
  • Cattle trailers for laboratory and class room
  • Christian ranches with bones to excavate
  • Prayer for safety, for unsaved campers and for outreach to surrounding communities
Are you willing/able to help? Check out the Adventure Safaris section on other side for contact information.

Mountain Adventures

Alpha Omega Institute is offering one-week vacations in the Colorado Rockies. Maybe they have one for you. discover-creation{at},

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