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History of Twin Cities Creation Science Association

as told to Ross Olson

Several individual stories weave together into the history of TCCSA and this is an attempt to integrate them into an understandable chronology. Consider it a work in progress and if you have information that will help to flesh out the narrative, please contact the author, whether it be corrections, additions or criticisms.

Bill Overn's Story

Bill grew up in a family that understood the young earth creation story. His father was a strong creationist and science professor who was constantly giving young Bill material on the topic. Bill also attended Concordia Lutheran High School in St. Paul which had a biology teacher who was very alert to the evidence against evolution and, for instance, posted news articles about the discovery of the "living fossil" Coelacanth and pointed out how this discredited the usual geologic timetable.

After a stint as an electronics officer in the South Pacific, Bill was a student at the University of Minnesota when a providential meeting took place. He was picked up as a hitch hiker in 1947 by Dr. Henry Morris, who was then on the faculty at the University. Dr. Morris asked Bill about his spiritual status and gave him the book "That Ye May Believe," which was his earliest book on creation although at that time he seemed to embrace the "Gap Theory." Bill had not been open about his creationist beliefs before that time, thinking that if objective and honest scientists accepted evolution, then there must be a considerable body of evidence for it. He was convicted of this when reading the book and further, just after finishing the book, received a phone call from the Chairwoman of Gamma Delta, the Missouri Synod student organization wondering if he could give a couple of talks on the relationship of the Bible and Science. Bill recalls that before that time, he would not have done it, but the Lord's timing was impeccable.

At one of those talks was a pastor who asked Bill to speak at his church. Further contacts and word of mouth publicity lead to a regular speaking ministry that involved many churches in the area and beyond at the rate of about a talk a month which has continued into the present. After Bill had started working for Univac, in about 1963 or 1964, he was awakened at about 7:00 am on a Saturday by a phone call from Rev. Walter Lang. Walter was at that time pastoring in Caldwell Idaho but also traveling and lecturing on the Bible and Science. He had heard about Bill from people at a church where he was speaking and wanted to get acquainted. Bill recalls that neither was impressed by the other. Walter did not have scientific training and was mispronouncing words to the point that Bill did not understand what he was talking about. Walter felt Bill must be ignorant of what he considered exciting scientific developments that confirmed the Bible.

Walter Lang's Story and Bible Science Association

Walter did have enthusiasm and skill as a promoter, however. He saw himself as the publicity arm of the Creation Research Society. Later Walter was instrumental in convincing Henry Morris to leave his faculty position in Virginia to start the Institute for Creation Research which was initially conceived as the research division of Bible Science Association, Walter's organization. Bill could see that God was using Walter to get churches and Christians interested in creation and in stimulating the formation of local chapters as well as sponsoring conferences or conventions where people could share information and begin to network.

In September 1963, after 26 years as a Lutheran Pastor, Walter Lang and his wife Valeria started publishing the Bible Science Newsletter from Grace Lutheran Church which they were serving in Caldwell Idaho. It was seen as a means of promoting creation in the churches. Beginning on the church mimeograph machine, it soon became a full time job and the Langs resigned the pastorate. In the summer of 1964, Bible Science Association was organized as a non-profit educational and religious organization. The mailings quickly grew to 5000 copies per month and book distribution was added as requests came in for those mentioned in the Newsletter.

In the fall of 1964 a Creation Seminar was held in Southern California. Speakers included founding members of Creation Research Society, which had been formed in June of 1963 as a split off from the American Scientific Affiliation because of its drift into long ages and theistic evolution. ASA started in 1941 as an organization of scientists who accepted creation. The publication of John Whitcomb and Henry Morris' seminar work, "The Genesis Flood," in 1961 was a rallying point for young earth creationists who accepted a literal interpretation of the early chapters of Genesis.

At the 1964 conference, having contact with members of Creation Research Society, Rev. Lang realized that Bible Science Association's role was in popularizing the scientific work of CRS and promoting the concepts of six day creation and a world-wide flood to the churches. This was seen as crucial in preventing the drift into liberalism which gradually reinterpreted Scripture and eventually even rejected the Biblical message of sin and salvation.

After several changes of location due to growth of the work, the addition of mailing equipment and eventually several printing presses, Bible Science Association moved from Idaho to Minneapolis in 1978. Bill Overn took an early retirement from Univac to help. Computers began to handle the mailing lists and with Bill's expertise, pioneering versions of computerized word processing and type-setting were set up. During that time, the Bible Science Newsletter included some original scientific articles and powerful essays and commentaries by Nancy Pearcy. A Radio program was initiated and several publications put out including "Five Minutes With The Bible And Science" and the "Science Reader" series. (See Rev Lang's history of this period, now online at https://www.creationism.org/lang/Lang2DecadesCrtn/index.htm.)

Creation Conventions were held in many cities and in some cases lead to the organization of local creation organizations. Eventually Bible Science Association changed leadership, eventually changing its name to Creation Moments. Rev. and Mrs. Lang started Genesis Institute, continuing to promote creation and make resources available, based in the Twin Cites until moving to Seattle in 1997 to be closer to their children. After Valaria's death, Walter has continued his work and serves on the board of Creation Association of Puget Sound.

Bob Helfinstine's Story

Bob had been interested in creation from childhood. His father was a machinist and an amateur geologist who made hammers for rock collecting expeditions. He believed in long ages and that was Bob's leaning. He had heard about flood theory, attributing for most if not all geologic deposits to the Genesis Flood. But he wondered about the Frozen Mammoths of the arctic regions. If they were flood deposits, what were all the layers of rock underneath. When in Sweden from 1972 to 1973, on loan from Honeywell to Saab Aircraft, he took along a number of books on post flood catastrophes and later read Velikovsky's works with great interest.

On return to Minneapolis in April 1973, he worked with Peter Larson who was involved in the planning that lead to the formation of TCCSA. He invited Bob to come to a meeting but noted Bob's long age leanings. After Bob put in about 1000 hours of his spare time - which was always in short supply in those days - in researching post flood catastrophes, Peter asked him to present it to TCCSA. Eventually Bob was asked to join the Board and has been on it ever since. His second talk, in 1975, was "A Correlation of Joel, Amos and Isaiah with the Catastrophic Event of their Times." His strongest interest remained the area of post-flood catastrophes and their contribution to the geologic record.

Bob served as President of TCCSA early on and then as treasurer from 1986 to 1995 and again as president from 1995 through 2001.

Peter Larson's Story

Peter Larson recalls his first interest in creation arising from a fellow employee at Honeywell mentioning the Creation Research Society. Peter subsequently subscribed to the Creation Research Quarterly and saw in it an ad for the 1972 Creation Convention in Milwaukee. He called Walter Lang in Caldwell Idaho to get details and drove there with Ron Constable. Highlights of the Convention were talks by Henry Morris and George Mulfinger. There was also a lot of informal fellowship and networking that went on in addition to the formal presentations. It was about that time that Peter met Bill Overn.

In January or February of 1973, Peter recalls meeting with a group called together by Katherine Sorenson. He subsequently became part of the group planning for the development of a local creationist organization. He did not recall mentioning this to Bob Helfinstine but it must have flowed out naturally because Bob remembers it distinctly. Peter developed an interest in Continental Drift and gave a talk on the subject that also explored correlation with the "division of the earth" that took place in the days of Peleg.

David Fruehauf's Story

David had heard the creation story in Sunday School as a child and youth in a conservative Lutheran church, but when he went to college at Kent State University in the late 1950's he began to be bombarded with evolution. He majored in philosophy and mathematics as a pre-seminary student and was targeted by the agnostic professors for ridicule, usually by asking him what he believed about origins. Because of this he was motivated to study the subject, finding Rehwenkle's "The Flood" and Klotz' "Genes, Genesis and Evolution" but few other resources. He was allowed to write papers and give talks on the evidence for creation.

When Whitcomb and Morris' book, "The Genesis Flood" came out it was a giant step forward in its depth and scientific detail. In the early 1960's, David moved to Minnesota to attend seminary and subsequently met Walter Lang and Bill Overn. Seminary had to be set aside to begin working as a math teacher to support a growing family, although he continued church work as a part-time youth pastor. David was very interested in the formation of TCCSA and although he did not feel he had adequate scientific qualifications, served as the first president for one term "because nobody else wanted it."

When his family changed churches, he was encouraged by Vision of Glory Lutheran Church in Plymouth to speak on the topic of creation. Because the presentations were well-received, they grew into a 6 hour seminar which was the core of what turned out to be a 12 year lecturing ministry. When the invitations stopped, David saw it as a signal that others with stronger scientific credentials were filling the gap. But it was this experience and his contacts in public school teaching that allowed him to later spearhead a creation inservice -- featuring Don Chittick -- sponsored by the Robbinsdale School District, and also to give creation presentations to science classes until that was stopped by a science coordinator who opposed "teaching religion in the science classes."

After taking early retirement from public education, David completed Seminary requirements and was ordained as a pastor in the Lutheran church - Missouri Synod.

Formation of Twin Cities Creation Science Association

Soon after his meeting with Walter Lang, Bill Overn was invited to Idaho and given contacts in states adjoining Minnesota by Walter and people with whom he communicated. Bill became convinced that a local chapter of Bible Science Association was needed in Minnesota and made it known that he would be willing to work on it if there were another volunteer who would come forward.

In summer of 1972 at the Creation Convention in Milwaukee, sponsored by Walter Lang. Bill contacted interested people he had met at his lectures, and a van load drove from Minneapolis to Milwaukee. At the conference Bill was pleased to see his former pastor, Hans Theiste. They were shown a rough cut of the film, "Footprints in Stone," produced by Films for Christ.

Shortly after that conference, Fred Schmugge, who was a childhood friend of Bill, called and volunteered to help organize a creationist organization. He was a minister who also worked as a tech writer in another division of Univac. He had gotten interested in creation after hearing a talk by Henry Morris on the earth's magnetic field. They met on a Sunday afternoon and began to lay the groundwork for what eventually became the Twin Cities Creation Science Association.

A number of interested people were contacted, including Peter Larson, Dave Fruehauf, and Max Callen. They decided to sponsor a showing of the film as part of an organizational meeting for the new association. They secured space in the Minneapolis Lutheran High School and set a date for the summer of 1973. They brainstormed a list of people who might be interested and got about 100 names from Walter Lang out of his mailing list. Peter Larson agreed to allow his name to be put up for President and others were willing to be various officers. They prayed for an attendance of at least 100 as a sign that they should continue.

About 120 showed up on a very hot summer evening to a meeting room without air conditioning and the film was well received. A somewhat parliamentary meeting was held and people were asked to join. But a number of circumstances threatened to derail the process. At the end of a long hot session, Walter Lang, who had arrived from Idaho, wanted to talk to the group. He also needed airfare. There was an emotional reaction that lead several key figures to oppose becoming a local chapter of Bible Science Association (BSA). Peter Larson also felt he could not serve as President. Bill Overn was unable to serve. He felt he was too heavily committed with speaking, frequent out-of town work assignments, and duties as a Regent of Bethany Lutheran College. David Fruehauf agreed to serve as president for 6 months. Fred Schmugge served as Secretary.

After about that amount of time and consideration of all the factors, Peter Larson agreed to be President, and TCCSA also did become a local chapter of BSA, noting that there were advantages to that association and that there were strong locally controlled chapters in Milwaukee, Cleveland and Seattle as well as Southern California where Robert Kohfahl began his ministry and where Nell Seagraves and her son Kelly were working to promote creation.

Early History

Monthly Meetings were begun and topics were taken by members of the core group as well as outside speakers who had been at national conferences and agreed to come. Peter Larson, Bill Overn, Max Callen, Dave Fruehauf, all part of the core group, and several professors from Bethany Lutheran College, Bethel College and Northwestern College and teachers from Lutheran High Schools were regular speakers. There was a great hunger for information among those interested and a paucity of resources compared to the present. There were some who heard about the organization and volunteered themselves to speak. One of those early volunteers was Bob Helfinstine who heard about the group from Peter Larson. Katherine Sorenson was very involved in organizing the activities and the International Conferences held in 1976 and 1983.

Fred and Mary Seitz came to a newly-formed Evangelical Lutheran Synod Church -- Heritage Lutheran in Apple Valley -- asking "Do You believe Jesus is God?" Bill Overn, who was involved in that start, assured her that it was a fundamental Lutheran doctrine. Mary Seitz related that the new assistant pastor at the Lakeville ALC church had told the congregation that he did not believe it. This illustrated to Bill the progressive deterioration of faith that accompanies the erosion of the authority of Scripture and the importance of being "Bible believing." Mary Seitz, recognizing the importance of creation to biblical belief became a tireless worker for TCCSA, and the chief promoter for its first project.

About that time, Comet Kohoutek was anticipated to be a spectacular show in the sky and interest in comets was high. George Mulfinger was invited to come up from Bob Jones University and show that the existence of comets, since they lose significant mass with each approach, indicated a young solar system. Thanks to Mary Seitz, a large attendance showed up, but Comet Kohoutek did not. Rather Kohoutek essentially proved the deterioration theory by being barely visible.

A year later a teachers' conference was planned in the Robbinsdale School District and by the influence of David Freuhauf, the School Board agreed to give continuing education credit. Donald Chittick spoke, the Bible Science Newsletter was distributed and creation-friendly textbooks were made available. The planning committee purchased 100 sets of materials and prayed for 100 attendees. Exactly 100 people came, paid $30.00 tuition, and heard the case for creation.

Another example of the Lord's hand in that meeting was the fact that a couple of weeks before, Dr. Chittick had been injured when his car fell off a jack and fractured one of his ribs. He was improving when he got on the plane for the Twin Cities but by the time he arrived was in a great deal of pain and unsure if he could go on with the speaking. Peter Larson called the committee to pray, and the pain was relieved. After the meetings, on the way to the airport, the pain returned.

After those meetings and for the next two years, David Fruehauf presented the creation model as a guest speaker in biology classes at Cooper and Armstrong High Schools. Then, opposition by the district's science coordinator and several science teachers ended the classes.

The monthly meetings continued through the years, attended by an average of 50 people, including children and adolescents. Families were interested from the very start. Often at the meetings a vote would be taken on which topic would be addressed the next month. The attendees were those sympathetic to creation or very open minded towards it with very few exceptions. Bob Shadewald, a skeptic, attended frequently, asked questions of speakers and exchanged articles with Bill Overn both pro and con a few years ago. We sadly heard of his untimely death a few months ago. Lately Tom Lawson and Bill Volna have been frequent attenders who disagree. We have yet to encounter a disruptive guest.

There was a second national Creation Convention sponsored by Bible Science Association held in Milwaukee attended by several from the Twin Cities group. The idea to hold the next such event in the Twin Cities began to develop. There was a desire to draw the scientific community to the meetings and so the name was changed from a Convention to as conference. Peter Larson recalls that a few people complained about the monthly meetings being started in prayer, feeling that it might alienate non-Christian attenders.

In 1976 the third national Creation Science Conference was sponsored by Bible Science Association and TCCSA. The dates were August 15-18, 1976. It was held at Northwestern College in Roseville before the Totino Fine Arts building was built and before there was air conditioning in the buildings. Bill Overn was program chairman, and speakers included Dr. Don Chittick, Dr. Clifford Burdick, Dr. Tom Barnes, Dr. Clifford Wilson, Dr. Robert Kofahl, Dr. Duane Gish and a number of others. It was at that conference that Bob Helfinstine presented his paper "A Correlation of Joel, Amos and Isaiah with the Catastrophic Event of their Times." (which had been presented at a TCCSA meeting in 1975.) Dr. Chittick made a presentation on converting biomass waste into useful fuel with a catalytic converter, and had pictures of actual applications of the process.

Al Heitkamp's Story

Al Heitkamp was challenged by Walter Lang in 1968 to remember that "Adam and Eve were real people." At the time, Al was a chemist, was teaching Sunday School and about to become Sunday School superintendent at his church. His interest was captured and realized that although he was a scientist, he had received no background in this area. In 1976, he awoke in the middle of the night aware of the Lord speaking to him, saying to sell his extra business and reduce his church responsibilities in order to devote more time to the cause of creation. Al became involved with TCCSA at the time of the 1976 Conference and later joined the TCCSA Board and also the Bible Science Board. At the 1983 Conference, he gave a talk on the Cretaceous Iridium layer, showing that Noah's Flood was the explanation that best fit the evidence. This concept was carried further by others in the 1992 Conference. He continues to speak and serve on the Board.

The Gish Kirkwood Debate

At the 1976 National Creation Conference an attempt was made to hold a debate between Dr. Duane Gish and Dr. Sam Kirkwood, a well-known biochemist at the University of Minnesota. It did not materialize at that time, but a year later, in 1977, agreement was reached with the participants and Northrup Auditorium at the University of Minnesota (seating capacity 5000) reserved. Promotional leaflets were printed up and given to churches for further distribution. Luther-Northwestern Seminary and St. Thomas College refused to allow the information on their campuses.

There was no idea of how many might be coming until the committee received a phone call from the University police saying that they had received so many phone calls asking about bus parking that they would need $750.00 to cover the cost of extra manpower. It turned out that the auditorium was filled and the reaction was powerful according to questions submitted and surveys taken at that time. A video tape was made, which was a major production in those days, and generated wide interest, not the least of which was the feeling by evolutionists that creation was not easy to defeat in a confrontation.


The next year TCCSA organized a debate that pitted two senior professors from the Hamline University science staff against Bill Overn and Dr. John Cunningham of Northwestern College. The head of the Hamline department of science showed up carrying a Bible, and attempted to steer the debate into that area. Modern evolutionary debaters usually are more sophisticated.

In 1978 Rev. Lang moved the Bible Science Association from Idaho to Minneapolis where he felt there would be more financial support for his work. Volunteers including TCCSA members came to his aid and Mel Schwanz began to work for him as an office manager. Bill Overn eventually gave up his consulting business and went to work for BSA. TCCSA was always a separate organization but with a strong relationship to BSA. For years, a TCCSA membership included a Bible Science Association Newsletter subscription. Several TCCSA members submitted original scientific papers to the Bible Science Newsletter and Bill Overn's niece, Nancy Pearcey wrote lucid analysis pieces during the heyday of that publication. A subscription was part of the TCCSA membership package.

In August 1983 a major International Creation Conference was sponsored by TCCSA. It was designed to be done in a manner equivalent to any secular scientific meeting, including both invited and submitted papers. It drew many well-known speakers and was a major boost for the Twin Cities group.

Jeannene Forshee's Story

Jeannene Forshee was browsing through a used book store and her eye caught a couple of creationist books. Later, she heard an announcement on the radio about a meeting at Northwestern College being put on by The Institute for Creation Research and at that meeting heard about TCCSA. She began attending regularly and was eventually asked to serve on the Board and also to edit the Newsletter.

Lending Library

Jeannene got the idea of a lending library since there are so many valuable resources available that can bring the message of creation even farther than the meetings, but at first the Board was not interested. She decided to pray "until the Lord changed their minds." Eventually they did agree, especially when it was clear that there would be no additional expense. A notice went out and there were two major donations. Irene Nistle gave a creation video tape library of 80 titles and there was an anonymous cash donation of $200.00.

In the Spring of 1991, Jeannene began running the library out of her home as a mail order service. People paid the postage both ways and gave donations if they desired, all of which allowed the service to not only be self supporting but to regularly add new resources. The major users turned out to be home schoolers. This continued for 4 years and was beginnning to outgrow Jeannene's small home. At that point, Dee McLellan, a home schooler who had heard about TCCSA through the library, got permission from her church, Grace Church of Roseville, to house the library at the church.

After 6 months when it looked like the deal was off, it arose with an expanded vision to providing resources with a Christian perspective in many subject areas, one of which would be creation science. Jeannene and four other women planned the project and asked TCCSA to release the creation lending library, which they did with the proviso that if the new venture folded, those resources would return. The Christian Education Resource Center (CERC) -- now called CRC -- was born and has now grown to 5,500 titles. It is run by voluteers as a walk in lending library, funded by yearly memberships or small fees of $1.00 per resource.

Further History

When the film FOOTPRINTS IN STONE was popular, TCCSA had several board members showing the film to church groups and youth activities. When the controversy arose over some of the track details of the Taylor Trail, Bible Science manager Bill Overn asked TCCSA board members Bob Helfinstine, Jerry Roth and Al Heitkamp to serve on a task force along with Paul Bartz from the Bible Science staff to investigate the facts. That began a investigation in 1986 that lasted until 1993. The results of the investigation were published in 1994 in the book TEXAS TRACKS and ARTIFACTS by Bob Helfinstine and Jerry Roth.

Speakers through the years included Professor Thomas Barnes on the earth's magnetic field, Dr. A.E. Wilder-Smith on information theory, and Dr. David Menton on the wonderful microscopic complexity of feathers compared to their supposed evolutionary predecessor, scales. Dr. Fred Byerly spoke on biomass conversion and Dr. Steidl of Seattle on astronomy. Dr. Walter Brown made several visits with his comprehensive series "In the Beginning." Eryl Cummings related his life-long quest for Noah's ark and his interviews with over two dozen eye-witnesses of the ship, including three members of the 1917 Russian military expedition. Over 300 presentations have been made at regular meetings, plus many more at special seminars and conferences. The last International conference was held in the Twin Cities in August 1992. Among the speakers was Bob Helfinstine who presented data on lack of decay in garbage dumps and its relationship to the preserved Mammoths in arctic mud deposits. He also provided information that the majority of mammoth remains are post-flood surface deposits which is contrary to many opinions that they are a late flood deposit..

Work in progress, March 2022 version, edited to include only founding events on August 2024

Compiled by Ross Olson from multiple sources -- mainly the people themselves!

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