Discerning a Priority of Balance


Confusion is unavoidable when a critic, who is supposed to be upholding the same truths and values as we do, raises opposition to something we might support.  The following letter by an experienced leader of a respected creation organization in the Midwest of the United States is helpful.  Anyone trying to embrace the truth and desiring to understand the validity of a publicly made criticism, is inclined to eventually ask himself, "how do I discern what to do with varying opinions from different people who I am inclined to respect?"  See if Mr. Griffin's letter makes sense to you and helps develop a priority of balance as you pursue your search for discernment.



February 18, 2003


Dear Mr. Petersen:


Thank you for publishing your new edition of Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation.  The book is wonderfully conceived and beautifully designed to encourage young people and non-creation oriented Christians to explore the possibility that the first eleven chapters of Genesis are as truthful as the rest of the Bible.  Your format, bibliography and footnotes help organize the reader's research direction if they wish to explore individual issues in the great detail precluded by the limitations of a single book.


We especially appreciate at this point in time the solid Christian context of each chapter and continual reference of scripture.  For this time is a time when the creation movement is being captivated by several well meaning, intelligent scientists whose design is to remove God and/or origins from the discussion.  Thanks for keeping God, not science, at the center.


 In short, “Unlocking” is a terrific introductory book for interested Christians.   Our organization sells a very limited number of creation materials to our members.  We are proud “Unlocking” is one of them.  We applaud your vision.


Personally, I also applaud your vision. Yet other creationists have a very different vision.  Their vision is to put the science of the debate between evolutionists and creation scientists as the nearly exclusive focus.  Whether called intelligent designers, or by other monikers, they have such a right.  But when these creationists wish to deny someone, like yourself, your vision of a God-centered book– then they are wrong.   They are wrong when they aggressively attack you for your point of view; indirectly impugn your personal integrity; attempt to limit your book sales; and use their financial and communications hegemony to injure and intimidate the viability of your ministry and personal finances.  How ironic that some creationists attack the intelligent designers for not putting God first, and these same people attack you because you did put God, not science, first!  Thus they not only make a mockery of Christian ethics but shame the basic freedom of speech guaranteed to all American citizens.  Personally, I believe you have been the victim of such attacks.


Let me be more specific with the following comments.


1)      Any Christian, or non-Christian for that matter, has the right to publish a book about creation issues.  There is no limitation on that right.

2)      There is no prescribed, pre-approval process for editing or peer review for such a book.  Indeed, arguments demanding peer review nearly always come from evolutionists, who use a rigidly delimited definition of peer review to prevent unpopular, new or minority ideas from achieving the light of day.  There is no formal peer review process for Christian creation materials.  It is left to the integrity of the author and publisher. 

3)      There is no standard regarding what subjects are appropriate for inclusion in a creation-oriented book.  Indeed, the subject of creation is suggestive of literally everything (all) about God's creation.  What part of “omni” does one omit?

4)      Scientific reporting, whether evolutionist or creationist, is ever changing and authors must not be time locked to prevailing, popular or majority theories.

5)      No Christian writer should fear the opposition of non-Christian writers, alter their manuscripts to please non-believers, or, walk in fear of their attacks.  We are to go forth in confidence in the One who walks beside us, leads and protects us.

6)      The creation movement is a diverse movement with well over 100 ministries.  No single ministry has ever been authorized (or should be) to supervise, pre-approve or proscribe the activities of any other independent ministry.  To even suggest such a role reflects the basest of prideful thinking.



Success to your book and your ministry,




Lyndon M. Griffin, President

Twin City Creation Science Association

    (30th Anniversary Celebration)

6300 Georgia Avenue North

Brooklyn Park, Minnesota 55428-2526




For more information on Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation, contact your local Christian or secular bookstore with ISBN number 0-89051-371, or log-on to www.creationresource.org, or phone toll free (866) 225-5229.

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