Post-Flood Catastrophes 7:30, Tuesday, July 18, 2000, Erickson Center, Rooms A & B, Northwestern College, Roseville
Following his talk on mammoths last March, Bob Helfinstine was asked several questions but time did not allow for adequate answers. Bob is returning with some answers to your questions.
Creationists who can appreciate the radical changes the earth experienced as a result of the Genesis flood sometimes have difficulty recognizing the changes resulting from post-flood events described in secular records and Bible history. Why do we find the remains of so many astronomical observatories? How do we explain the unique structure of the major mountain chains? What was involved in the Biblical prophesies of fire and early sunset found in Amos? Secular writings tell of lost continents, of heavenly dragons and serpents, of huge tidal waves and more. Physical evidence reveals mass destruction of plant and animal life, some of which is often erroneously attributed to the flood. Bob will summarize the catastrophic periods and review pertinent information related to these events. Note: this month we meet at the first building on the left, past the gate house.