Lyndon Griffin, President lmgriffin{at} Dave Johnson, Editor david.johnson{at} Russ McGlenn, Adventure Safaris russmcglenn{at} John Nuckols, Adventure Safaris jpnuckols{at} Ross Olson, Webmaster ross{at} Byron Twiss, Treasurer twissb{at}
TCCSA Voice-mail Service (612) 330-3881
Want e-mail reminders and updates? Send your request to david.johnson{at}!
Coming up. . . June 18 - John Nuckols, Evolutionists Usually Say Oops: Noah to Abraham, where the Stone Age and Ice Age fit. July 16 - Something good. August - No meeting or newsletter.
Have you enjoyed the world-class programs in recent months? Your membership dues and offerings make them possible. If you missed one or want to review a program, you can order a video for only $15 plus tax and shipping. Look to the left of the shipping label for where to order.
TCCSA is looking for ideas for upcoming programs and activities. If you have an idea let us know. If you have more ideas, and a little time, we need additional board members. Members who agree with our Statement of Belief may become board members. The board meets 10 times a year to plan meetings and conduct business.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.