Biblical Recipe for Good Health 7:30, Tuesday, February 18, 2003, Nazareth Hall, 3rd Floor, Youderian Lounge, Northwestern College
David Fruehauf has a Masters in counseling and psychology, and a M.Div. from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. He was Assistant Pastor for 2-½ years at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Wayzata, and was at Vision of Glory Lutheran Church for 11 years. His basic career was in education, as a mathematics teacher and high school counselor. David was TCCSA's first President. He is currently a pastoral counselor at Crystal Free. Nutrition has been his hobby for about 20 years.
The human body is an incredibly complex and marvelous machine designed by the Creator. His instruction book details ways to get the optimal performance from this living machine. The presentation will cover 2 basic aspects - Nutritional Health and Psychological/Emotional Health. The Bible tells which foods can bring nutrition and health to our bodies. It also has much to say about nutrition for the soul for healthy living and healing that reflects the Creator God's concern for our total well-being. What does the Bible recommend to give us rest, health and peace in our lives? This meeting will be appropriate for all ages.
Our meetings are free and open to the public. For updates, check www.tccsa.tc or call 612-330-3881.
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Lyndon Griffin, President lmgriffin{at}usfamily.net Dave Johnson, Editor david.johnson{at}netzero.net Russ McGlenn, Adventure Safaris russmcglenn{at}juno.com John Nuckols, Adventure Safaris jpnuckols{at}usfamily.net Ross Olson, Webmaster ross{at}rossolson.org Byron Twiss, Treasurer byrontwiss{at}msn.com
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