The Exodus: Fact or Fiction? 7:30, Tuesday, March 18, 2003, Totino Fine Arts Center, Rm. 116, Northwestern College
Our March Speaker, Dr. Charles Aling has been Professor of History at Northwestern College for the past sixteen years. He earned his Ph.D. in Ancient History and Egyptology from the University of Minnesota and has served as an officer in Army Intelligence. In 1991 he was the Sears Foundation Teacher of the Year. In addition to his tenure in the classroom, Dr. Aling has been Assistant Field Director on two archaeological expeditions to the Valley of the Kings in Egypt - discovering mummies and lost treasures from the times of the Pharaohs! Fascinating speaker for all ages. Dr. Aling will update us on current secular thinking about the Exodus and the theory there wasn't an Exodus. He will point out the truthfulness of the Biblical account, the fact that there was an Exodus, and that it was when the Bible says it was - not in the time of Ramses II like Hollywood and some scholars would have us believe. Having recently returned from the International Symposium on the Exodus, held in Albuquerque, NM, he will unveil new evidence that corroborates the Biblical account, which isn't currently published. Our meetings are free and open to the public. For updates, check www.tccsa.tc or call 612-330-3881.
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