The Fall of Babylon 7:30, Tuesday, April 15, 2003, Nazareth Hall Chapel, Northwestern College
One hundred years ago, Bible critics said that they could prove that Daniel 5 contained a major historical error, because the famous Babylonian King list did not mention a king named Belshazzar. The historical details of Daniel 5, dealing with the Fall of Babylon in one night to the Persian army and the murder of Belshazzar that same night, have been proven correct by both historical and archaeological evidence. In his presentation, Dr. Billington will give this historical and archaeological evidence and also show slides of Babylon and of important archaeological discoveries made there. Clyde E. Billington, has earned four colleges degrees, including a Ph.D. in ancient history from the University of Iowa. Dr. Billington is an associate professor of ancient history at Northwestern College, where he has taught for the last ten years. Dr. Billington frequently gives presentations in churches on archaeology and the Bible.
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