Coming up. . . July 15 - Video - Unlocking the Mystery of Life August - No meeting or newsletter. - Make it a priority to spend time with your family this summer. You will be glad you did. September 16 - 30th Anniversary celebration Check for other activities in our area.
We are Looking for Memories
Do you remember things about TCCSA from years gone by? Our thirty-year celebration is coming up on September 16 and we want you there. Also if you submit a paragraph or two we hope to use them in the program or have them on display. We are also looking for old newsletters and documents.
Al Heitkamp, Interim President alrolene{at} Dave Johnson, Editor david.johnson{at} Russ McGlenn, Adventure Safaris russmcglenn{at} John Nuckols, Adventure Safaris jpnuckols{at} Ross Olson, Webmaster ross{at} Byron Twiss, Treasurer byrontwiss{at}
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: II Corinthians 3:16