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TCCSA celebrates 30 years of serving the greater metropolitan area with Biblically based Creation science

The Association had an outstanding program of monthly presenters in 2003. In addition, three "Technical Sessions" were held, one each in June, October, and November. These meetings resulted in not so much as technical sessions, but creditable extension and exposure of our monthly speakers.

JANUARY 2003- Search for the Titanothere Treasurers of Noah's Flood by Russ McGlenn.

February 2003- Biblical Recipe for Good Health by David Fruehauf.

March 2003- The Exodus: Fact or Fiction? by Dr. Charles Aling.

April 2003- The Fall of Babylon by Dr. Clyde Billington.

May 2003- The Two Best Secret Weaknesses of Evolution by Russ McGlenn

June 2003- Atomic Structure - Do We Care? by Dr. Glen Collins.

July 2003- Unlocking the Mystery of Life, a video.

September 2003- What Has God Wrought, the 30th TCCSA anniversary keynoted by Bill Overn.

October 2003- Seven Ways to Show How Creation Truths Will Change Lives Forever by Dennis Petersen.  Also, The Truths About Ancient Civilizations.

November 2003- How Darwin Developed His Ideas by Dr. Kevin Anderson. Also, Biological Aspects of Evolution.

The TCCSA has many activities ongoing, and Board members provide the leadership for them.  Listed below is the highlights of the 2003 activities.

-Monthly meetings with local and national speakers.
-TCCSA Bulletin with news information and a Creation cartoon.
-Adventure Safari sponsorship and support.
-TCCSA.tc  website, which is extensive and updated regularly.
-TCCSA phone line, 612-330-3881, for inquries and meeting information.
-Assistance of the Science Fair which is held in February at the Har Mar Mall.
-Sales of selected books written by our monthly presenters.
-Planned Creation Science youth essay contest.
-Encouraging TCCSA members and friends to interface directly with the Minnesota  Education Science Standards Committee.

The TCCSA has a very active and dedicated Board. We celebrate the diversity of God given talents of each member and the energy and willingness to serve TCCSA endeavors. Members are encouraged to attend the Board meetings and consider becoming a Board member.   Contact any Board member for the day, time, and place of the Board meetings.

The current Board members are:

Dr. Gary Elsesser
Brent Fox*
Naomi Hard*
Bob Helfinstine+
Al Heitkamp
David Johnson
Steve Macks
Russ McGlenn
Bill Overn+
Dr. Ross Olson
Byron Twiss
Julie Von Vett*
+ Board member emeritus status
* Board member joining in 2003

Lyndon Griffin and Linda Gunderson served faithfully this year as Board members, and respectively, as President and Program chairperson in 2003. We wish them well in their new endeavors for the Lord.

Reportedly, there are over 100 Biblical based Creation groups and/or organizations listed on our tccsa.tc website. This is an indication of the awareness, interest, and a growing belief in the true account of God's Creation as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and reinforced by sound science.

We thank all of those who supported the association with membership dues, freewill offerings, and donations. All monies go towards speaker's expenses, honorariums, newsletter mailings, publicity, and book purchases. All Board members serve on a volunteer basis, therefore association monies are used wisely and effectively.


-Continue to bring monthly meeting speakers that reinforce our Christian beliefs and faith.

-Support youth education and activities through Adventure Safari, science fair, youth essay contest, and encourage young persons to attend our regular meetings. The future of truthful science rests with our young people and their correct science education.

-Promote and encourage individuals to lead Biblical Creation efforts in Christian churches and other organizations.

-Generate up to date information for the many people that now log on to the TCCSA website.

In summary, TCCSA encourages you to become a member of TCCSA or renew your membership for 2004. You are strongly encouraged to use the information and personal contacts made to help others on the narrow path to Everlasting Life. We thank everyone for their support and efforts to reach common goals.

From Jude 21-23a, "Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference. And others save with fear, pulling them out out of the fire".

It has been my humble privilege to serve as your interim President in 2003. To God alone be the Glory.

Al Heitkamp