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2024: The Year Evolution Was Overturned

Tue, Feb 18


University of Northwestern - St. Paul

with Dr. Carl Werner

Time & Location

Feb 18, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

University of Northwestern - St. Paul, 3003 Snelling Ave N, St. Paul, MN 55113, in Nazareth Great Room

About the event

Historians in the future will look back and determine 2024 was the year when the theory of naturalism (the origin of all things through natural processes) was overturned. It will likely take decades longer for the scientific community to grasp that the key components of naturalism were overturned by 2024, namely: The origin of the universe—aka The Big Bang; The origin of life from chemicals—aka Abiogenesis; The origin of the seven animal groups from a bacteria—aka The Cambrian Explosion; The origins of animal groups within the phyla—aka “The Trade Secret of Paleontology”; The 3 proposed mechanisms of evolution – aka Natural Selection, Adaptation, and Chance Random Mutations; and

The three best fossil proofs for the theory of evolution – Whale Evolution, Bird Evolution, and Human Evolution.  

In 2024, human evolution—the last viable proof of naturalism—collapsed with the revelation of: Widespread fraud committed by human evolution scientists (150 episodes of fraud); Scientists hiding fossils from their colleagues (too many examples to list); Rampant overturning of ape-men species by evolution scientists (237 species overturned); 42,000 ape-men tools overturned by evolution scientists; Rampant redating of human evolution dig sites; Rampant changing the skull size determination of hominins; and finally, The remaining ape-men that are not hidden and are not fraudulent, are too fragmentary to make the case for human evolution.

These revelations are cause for great joy for those who believe in creation. Since scientists tend to get stuck in their scientific beliefs, it will be the community of non-scientists that ushers in this new era of post-naturalism.

Promo Video:


Dr. Carl Werner exposes widespread fraud in human evolution.  See an overview of his life's work at

Check out Dr. Carl Werner's resources on his website:


Check out our YouTube channel for the recording.

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