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Want to painlessly donate money that would otherwise go to Google executives and shareholders? (If you are a Google shareholder, accept our apologies. If you are a Google executive, you don't need the money.)

Use "Goodsearch" as your search engine when you look up words, images or videos. A portion of the money that advertisers pay to be featured on the search pages goes to the charity of your choice. Use "GoodShop" to find coupons and discounts at more than 1,000 stores. Up to 30% of every purchase will also go to your favorite charity! It does not add anything to your cost. If you choose "TCCSA" a check for the accumulated amount will be periodically sent to the organization.

To do it, first log in to www.goodsearch.com, then choose "TCCSA" as your charity, finally follow the directions to install Goodsearch on your browser. It will appear in your toolbar and if you click on the "magnifying glass" icon, it will take you to the Goodsearch site where you can confirm the name of the charity and proceed with your search or purchase from a member store.

If cookies are not enabled on your computer, or your disc cleanup removes cookies, you may have to designate TCCSA when you search again. If you are tech savvy, there is a way to put in the charity number 891847, but don't worry about it if you are a normal computer user.

Since Goodsearch is powered by Yahoo, the quality of the searches should be exactly the same as with Google.

Spread the word to your friends. It is a small amount for each search or purchase, but does not cost you anything and adds up to significant money if enough people do it.

Amazon Smile also allows you to donate to a Charity of your Choice when you make a purchase.