Bear Butte State Park is designated as a National Natural Landmark sacred to the Native Americans. But did you know that during the 1990’s on the walls of this state park there was an account of “Noah” and the Flood?
There are more than 360 Flood accounts from around the world. One is even remembered at Bear Butte State Park in South Dakota (near Sturgis). There used to be posted on the walls the Mandan Indian Flood legend. Nu-mohk-muck-a-nah (Noah) escaped a world- wide flood in a dug-out canoe. “Noah” and these animals were saved and landed on Bear Butte. A dove was sent out from the canoe, and it came back with a willow branch. Then, the animals left the dug out canoe two by two. Doesn’t this sound like Noah’s Flood from the Bible? How did this show up in South Dakota? The ancestors of the Mandan Indians brought this history with them when they spread out from the tower of Babel. Some people will say this story is from when the Christian missionaries visited the Mandan Indians. If this were true, would they not have told about Jesus Christ? There are some 360 flood accounts from around the world. This would be expected if an awful world catastrophe, as described in the Bible, had actually happened. These ancient people would tell their children and grandchildren. These Flood accounts were brought with them as they left the Tower of Babel some 106 years after the Flood. The story would become increasingly distorted with time but the essence of the true, actual, historical event would remain. As you ascend Bear Butte, some 1400 feet above the prairie, viewing four states, you can see the reason the Mandan Indians choose this sight for “Noah” landing and the animals coming off two by two.
Inspired Evidence, Julie Von Vett and Bruce Malone, June 7, 2011
Have you considered
.............that there is evidence of a worldwide flood in the historical records of many people groups from around the world. For example, the Toltec Indians of ancient Mexico record that a few men escaped the great Flood that covered the highest mountains in a closed chest. This first world lasted 1,716 years (The Biblical account has the pre-flood world lasting 1,656 years). The Toltec histories recount that after the Flood, a great tower was built and then the languages were confused. (Tower of Babel: Genesis 11). The Toltec language was spoken by 7 friends and their wives. They crossed great waters, lived in caves, and wandered 104 years until they arrived in southern Mexico. This was 520 after the great Flood. This is just one of some 360 Flood stories from around the world.
Dinosaurs by Design, Duane Gish, 1992, p.74.