Hwy 14A
This is a beautiful 20 mile drive through a gorge with Spearfish Creek at the bottom and 1,000 foot high white limestone cliffs on every side. During the Flood sediments were laid down, one of theses sediments was limestone. Towards the end of the Flood, the mountains rose up and in this case under the Black Hills, volcanic magma pushed up like the fist of your hand. It did not push all the way through to the surface; just enough to have the Black Hills look like an island in a sea of grasslands. Waters rushed off the surface, some carving out canyons, in this case carving through the limestone and creating Spearfish Canyon. This canyon is not millions of years old, just thousands (Flood 3458 BC or about 4,300 years ago). Evolutionary geologists will tell you this canyon was carved out by this little creek over 5 millions years. If this were so, why are the canyon cliffs so vertical?
There are numerous gorgeous falls along this canyon. Bridal Falls is part of the igneous intrusion that occurred when the mountain rose up at the end of the Flood. As you drive through this canyon be amazed at the amount of limestone that was laid down during this year long Flood of Noah’s Day.
In Spearfish Canyon at Roughlock Falls the rare American Dipper or Water ouzel can be seen.
American Dipper
A small bird that loves to dip when beside a fast-flowing river is called the little dipper or water ouzel. This little bird not only flies but swims. He even strolls on the bottom of the stream turning rocks over with his beak and feet to find his food. He does not have webbed feet so he uses his wings as oars to move through the water. He uses his air sacs to rise to the surface and compresses the air out of these sacs to submerge. The dipper’s eyes have a special lens curvature for underwater vision AND nasal flaps in his nostrils to close when diving, who wants water up his nose. Evolutionists will say this bird evolved, why would he have to evolve all this underwater equipment when he could just as easily gotten his food off the ground? Our heavenly Father just loves to show His creativeness!
“All Your works shall praise You, O LORD,” ~ Psalm 145:10