Edward Blick 6/17/2007

Al Gore has replaced God in at least one California hotel. The Gaia Napa Valley Hotel has replaced the Gideon Bible on nightstands with Al Gore’s book “An Inconvenient Truth”. These same rooms have waterless urinals. How fitting! In mythology, Gaia is the goddess of the earth who gave birth to a son, with whom she later committed incest and gave birth to other son- gods. Is there any doubt that “Global Warming Environmentalism” is a religion? They have a Deity –Mother Earth, they have Sin –Fossil Fuels; they have the Wages of Sin –Global Disaster; they have Redemption –Carbon Offsets; they have a Savior –Al Gore. However, they are ignorant of our eternal environment – heaven or hell.
The predecessors of today’s unbelievers replaced the Holy Bible’s book of Genesis with Darwin’s “Origin of the Species”. Now with the help of Al Gore and the United Nations they are trying to replace the Holy Bible’s book of Revelation with the U.N.’s report “Anthropogenic Global Warming”. They tell us that man’s use of fossil fuels results in too much atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) which causes excessive warming and melting of polar ice caps. They say if we don’t take drastic steps (trillions of dollars of taxes, year after year, after year), we will either roast to death, or drown in the rising seas. The plan is for the U.N. to take control of the world’s economy and dictate what we can use for transportation (bikes?), what we can eat, where we can live, and what industries we must shut down. This whole scheme is a “Trojan Horse” for global socialism!
Climate change activists have a moral message, but it’s not from The Bible. Basically it is about destroying our modern industry and worshipping the creation instead of the creator God. Environmental religion is pantheism and is at least 4000 years old. God warns us repeatedly not to worship false idols like golden calves, trees, stars, the Sun, Spotted Owls, Worms, etc. Global Warming is hatred against humanity. Man is the problem! America must be transformed into a natural environment like the Indians had in the 1400s. One million human beings could survive. Sorry fellows, 299 million Americans will have to go! They want to eliminate our use of oil, coal, and natural gas. But you can’t run our transportation system, steel mills, chemical plants, etc. on solar panels and windmills. If you accept for the sake of argument, that humans can only survive by CO2 free energy –that leaves only nuclear energy. But these same environmentalists wackos destroyed nuclear power energy in America 30 years ago.
Industrialization of our agriculture industry has reduced employment to two per cent of our population. But now we’re not to use animals to farm or to eat. They produce too much manure and flatulence. These are global warming gases! They tell us we must stop consuming meat and dairy products. Why, because animals produce 18% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. An 18 oz. steak is worse than a gas guzzling “Hummer”, because of the nitrous oxide from manure and methane produced by cows “toots”. Ice cream is bad . One gallon of it requires eight gallons each of manure and methane, a lot of cow flatulence, plus all that electricity-guzzling refrigeration.
Is their any solid evidence the earth is warming due to man’s use of fossil fuels transferring excessive amounts of CO2 in our atmosphere? The answer is NO! Even a 1995 U.N. chart showed earth temperature during the past several decades were not as warm as the medieval warm period of 1000 A.D. to 1400 A.D. During that period, grapes were grown in England (today it is too cool), the Vikings had farms in Greenland, and the Andes had no glaciers.
An excellent book for those interested in this subject is “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism” by Christopher C. Horner, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The book is full of interesting information rebutting Al Gore’s message of global disaster. For example, NASA scientist Jay Zwally used satellite data to measure the changes in polar ice caps and their effect on sea level changes. They found that from 1992 to 2002 Greenland gained 11 billion tons of ice per year, while Antarctica lost 31 billion tons per year. The net change in sea level was 0.05 mm per year, which is half the thickness of a sheet of typing paper. At that rate it would take 1000 years to rise two inches. Al Gore predicted a rise of 20 feet by 2100 A.D.! Another mystery for Al’s disciples is the northern and southern hemisphere atmospheres have about the same amount of CO2 since the 1970s, but the southern hemisphere has experienced no warming compared to the northern. If CO2 were the cause of warming they should both warm the same.
There is a dearth of record high temperatures this past 50 years. In fact North Dakota is the only U.S. state to experience its record high since 1996. There were 25 states that had their record high temperature in the 1930s. Why was Al Gore’s father not screaming about Global-Warming! Hurricanes are not more common during these last 45 years. Not a single hurricane hit the U.S. in 2006. Polar bears are not dying off in Canada. Eleven of 13 regions in Canada show an increase in population.
There is good evidence that we’ve had almost no warming of the earth since the late 1800s. Scientists went back and checked on the thermometers used in the 1800s and found they gave slightly lower reading. There is a “heat island” effect in large cities,
due to concrete, asphalt, brick, and heat sources. They absorb and hold more heat than rural areas with grass and trees. Hence cities have higher temperatures than the surrounding rural areas. When satellites started measuring the earth temperature about 40 years ago, many nations felt they no longer needed their small town and rural weather stations, so they were closed. They left the record keeping to the larger city weather stations with their heat island effect. At the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union (around 1990), they could not afford their weather stations in Siberia, so they were closed. Hence, with the loss of the cooler temperature data from Siberia and rural stations in other countries, coupled with the heat island effects of the large city stations, and errors in thermometers of the 1800’s, any increase in the average earth temperature in the past may be an illusion. Our satellite temperature measurements of earth started 40 years ago and the readings have not varied over +/- 0.4 degrees C. Al Gore…please explain this!
The amount of CO2 that man puts into the atmosphere each year is about 3 billion tons per year. But this is insignificant compared to the 39,000 billion tons in our oceans, 2,200 billion tons in our vegetation and soils, and 750 billion tons in our atmosphere. Much of the CO2 generated by man is consumed by vegetation. Famous climatologist Dr. Reid Bryson has stated, “You could go outside and spit and have the same affect as doubling carbon dioxide”! Carbon dioxide is transported into the atmosphere by bubbling out of the ocean during warm periods (like a bottle of pop when it is opened and taken from a refrigerator). But atmospheric CO2 increase lags the temperature increase. It does not produce a temperature increase on the earth; it is caused by a temperature increase in the oceans. Various researchers have shown that in the past the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere was as high as 400-600 ppm. This is much higher that today (360 ppm).
For thousands of years our earth has undergone cooling and warming under the control of God. Man cannot control the weather, but he can kill millions of people in his vain attempt to control it, by limiting or eliminating the fuel that we use. How does God control our warming and cooling? Scientists have discovered it is the Sun! Amazing, even grade school children know this. The Sun’s warming or cooling the earth varies with sunspot and Solar flairs. Astronomer William Hershel discovered this relation in 1801. He found when sunspot activity was high the price of wheat fell. When sunspot activity was low, the price of wheat rose. High sunspot activity increases earth’s temperature with a higher yield of wheat, which depresses its price and vice versa. Scientists have done a detailed study of the earth’s temperature and sunspots going back 400 hundreds years. They discovered an extremely close correlation between sunspot activity and the earth’s temperature. For example, during the Little Ice Age period from about 1700 A.D. to 1900 A.D., sunspot activity was very low and the earth was much cooler. Europe was cold and the English were ice-skating on the river Thames. During the past century we’ve had an increase in sunspots and an increase in temperature. It is interesting that some of the experts on sunspots are predicting that starting this year, 2007 A.D., we will be having a rather substantial decrease in sunspot activity and a drop in earth’s temperature. It appears they may be correct. Here in Oklahoma, thru June 2007, it’s been unusually cool. During the month of May 2007, South America saw their late fall and start of winter hammered with much colder weather and snow in places that haven’t seen snow in many years. Over thirty people died because of the early cold and snow. Maybe this is God’s way of reminding Al Gore and his Oscar that he doesn’t know what he is talking about.
In 1997, brilliant research by Danish meteorologists, Svensmark and Fris-Christiansen discovered the science of cloud formation. Cosmic particles enter our atmosphere, collide with nitrogen molecules and kick off ions and provide the nuclei for water vapor to condense around and form clouds, which cools the earth. In periods of strong sunspot activity the Sun’s stronger magnetic field weakens the cosmetic rays and fewer clouds are formed, which allows the Sun’s thermal radiation to warm up the earth.
The book of Job makes clear that God alone controls the unpredictable changes in weather (Job Chapters 36-38)
“For He maketh small drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapor thereof; Which the clouds do drop and distil upon man abundantly (Job 36:27-28).
Here indeed is remarkable insight. The drops of water which eventually pour down as rain are indeed “made small”, (vapor molecule), then condensing into tiny liquid droplets, via Cosmic particle impacts, forming clouds. They finally form into drops large enough to overcome the updrafts and fall as rain. God controls the weather; we must not let Al Gore and the U.N. to even try!
Who are the people behind the religion of Global Warming? Maurice Strong; A pioneer of the New Age Movement was a senior advisor to Kofi Anan and helped to ignite today’s Green movement. He was responsible for setting up the Kyoto Protocol. He has stated it may be the only way to save the world is for industrial civilization to collapse, deliberately seek poverty, and set levels of mortality control. Timothy Wirth, former undersecretary of State in the Clinton Administration stated, “We have to ride the theory of Global-Warming even if it is wrong! Richard Benedict, former special advisor to Kofi Anan stated, “A Global Warming treaty must be implemented even if there is no evidence of Global Warming”!
Dr. James Hansen, is known as the father of global warning. He is Al Gore’s advisor. The national media depicts him as an objective, non-partisan scientist. But he has admitted that he was willing to exaggerate science in order to get public attention. In 2004 he publically endorsed John Kerry for president and then received $25,000 from the charity of Kerry’s wife’s. His forecast how much the U.S. would warm in the 1990’s was too high by a factor of three. Hansen was not trained in climatology but in astronomy and chemistry.
Liv Arnesen, a disciple of Al Gore, attempted to prove the ice was melting in our artic polar region by pulling a sled to the North Pole. In March 2007, she left Ward Hunt Island in Canada for her 530-mile journey. Three days later she had to quit because of the cold and frozen toes!
On May 2007, Senator Barbara Boxer (Democrat, California) has proposed a Global Warming reduction tax bill (S309) that will cost a family of four, $4,500! Those who signed the bill were fifteen democratic senators including Clinton, Obama, Dodd, Biden, Feingold, Kennedy, Inouye, Lautenberg, Leahy, Menendez, and Milulski.
Senators John Rockefeller (D.W. Va.) and Olympia Snowe (R.-Maine) sent a letter to ExxonMobil CEO Tillerson demanding that his company stop supporting groups skeptical of global warming alarmism and announcing that an “American scientific group” was going to expose the company as the primary funder of those “climate-change-denial front groups.” The scientific group the senators mentioned was the far-left Union of Concerned Scientists. (Funded by Hollywood celebrities.)
Global warming alarmist, Al Gore has praised the work of Prof. Paul Ehrlich, calling Ehrlich’s work the “prescription” for our global woes. Ehrlich has promoted population control and described human population growth as “cancer.”
An analysis carried out by citizens for a sound economy (CSE) showed that 90% of the 2,600 “scientists” that Gore offers up as evidence of scientific consensus on global warming were not qualified. Only one was a climatologist! Among the so-called experts were a plastic surgeon, two landscape architects, one hotel administrator, a gynecologist, seven linguists and one traditional Chinese medicine practitioner. Wow!
The following are some of the errors in Gore’s film, “An Inconvenient Truth”, or as called by some, “A Convenient Lie”.
He ignored the middle age warming period and showed the false 1,000-year “hockey stick” chart.
He showed photos of New Orleans floods and linked hurricane frequency to global warming.
He asserted today’s Arctic is undergoing record warming, while ignoring temperatures were as high or higher in the 1930’s and 1940’s.
He failed to show that Arctic temperatures more closely correlate with sunspots than CO2.
He failed to explain that the Sun has been hotter (due to sunspots) in the last 50 years than for thousands of years in the past.
Gore said that the Antarctic is warming and losing ice, but failed to state that this is only true for a small region. The vast bulk is cooling and gaining ice.
The “Larsen B Ice Shelf” is breaking up, but experts believe it has been breaking up since the Little Ice Age 300 years ago.
Greenland’s ice is melting, but NASA’s Jay Zwally’s satellite data showed it gained 11 billion tons of ice per year from 1992-2002!
Global warming caused icecap melting of Mt. Kilimanjaro, but it was due to local deforestation and the drying of its atmosphere.
A 20-foot rise in sea levels by 2100 will swamp coastal cities. But the latest UN estimate is 8-17 inches.
Peruvian glacier’s retreat is due to global warming. But the region has been warming since the 1930’s and other Andes glaciers are advancing.
Gore blamed global warming for water in Africa’s Lake Chad. NASA concluded that it was excessive water use and over-grazing.
Polar bears are drowning due to global warming melting the ice. But the population has more than doubled in 11 of 13 regions of Canada since 1940!
A review of 928 scientific papers has shown none against the global warming consensus. In fact, only 13 were pro-consensus.
Temperature changes followed CO2 changes for thousands of years. In fact CO2 follows temperature.
Gore should have said:
Fossil fuels have had an indispensable role in alleviating hunger, poverty and extending life spans.
Climate warmth and rise in CO2 bestow many health, environmental, and economic benefits.
The scientific method requires constant skepticism, otherwise scientists become politicians. (He impugns the motives of global warming skeptics.)
President G.W. Bush’s administration has handed out $29 billion in research grants to promote Global Warming and to keep the public frightened about the climate.5.The Kyoto Protocol, if adopted, might reduce the temperature 0.07 C by the year 2050 and cost trillions of dollars.
The 48 Nobel-laureates scientists who accused President Bush of distorting science were members of a group promoting a Democratic presidential candidate.
Al Gore should take the hint and pray for forgiveness and take off his false prophet robes.
Big Al Gore set up one of the first companies to sell carbon credits. Maybe Americans who believe that global warming is a serious problem can solve the problem by buying Carbon Credits from Big Al and he will build a wind farm in Timbuktu. It’s sort of like deciding to quit smoking and paying someone else to do it for you. Or like a rich person during our Civil War who, to avoid being drafted in the army, paid the government to draft some poor farm boy.
Millions of American and United Kingdom school children have been forced to watch Gore’s film. Some colleges even require student’s to watch Al Gore’s film. To receive a degree from Roger Williams University the students are being forced to view Al Gore’s Science-Fiction disaster film! The required course is named “Science Technology and Society”. In response to protests from college Republicans, a dean stated that “All scientists agree with Al Gore, and that penguins, polar bears and your unborn children have no vote in this”! Schools like this are not bastions of knowledge, but bastions of “leftist thought”.
The arrogance of the U.N. is unbelievable. Former chief of the U.N. World Health Organization, socialist and former prime minister of Norway, Dr. Harlem Bruntland declares the climate change debate over. She stated on May 11, 2007 that the diagnosis is clear, the science is unequivocal. It is completely immoral to even question the issue. That’s the way with socialist, but scientists know that science is always open to question.
Dr. Reid Bryson, a climate icon with scores of honors in atmospheric science does not believe the debate is over. When asked about computer models used to forecast long range climate, he answered with, “Do you believe in five day weather forecasts?” Bryson stated “CO2 always lags temperature changes”. (Attention, Al Gore!) He also pointed out that Greenland was once green from the 10th-13th century. Old Viking farmlands are covered with ice. “80% of the heat radiated back from the earth’s surface is absorbed in the first 30 feet by water vapor. 0.08 of one percent is absorbed by CO2, which is 1/1000 as important as water vapor. “You can go outside and spit and have the same effect as doubling carbon dioxide”. Yet our brilliant Supreme Court (who have morphed into climatologists) has ruled “There is a “Consensus that Global Warming is a reality”!
Christopher Monckton is the former science advisor to British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. In an article entitled “Climate Chaos? Don’t Believe It” (Sunday Telegraph, 5/11/06), he stated that “Scores of scientific papers show a medieval warm period of up to 3 C above normal existed from 1050-1300 AD. It wasn’t CO2 that caused the warming, it was the Sun. The Antarctic, which holds 90% of the world’s ice and most of the 160,000 glaciers, has cooled and gained ice mass. The snows of Kilimanjaro are vanishing not because the summit temperature is rising, it isn’t, but because post-colonial deforestation has dried the air. The U.N.’s computer models are full of purposeful errors that result in climate chaos!”
The Danish statistician Bjorn Lomborg wrote “The Skeptical Environmentalist” disputing the hysteria of global warming and other environmentalist scares. He now finds himself in the same mess that Galileo was in. He offended the “church of environmentalism” and ignored the “Most Scientists Agree Lie”. Galileo had the same problem with the Aristotelian universe promoters. Lomberg was brought up before Denmark’s Inquisition Court (Ministry of Science). The Minister of Truth was probably booked up that day. When one diverges from official church doctrine, he is a heretic and can be burned at the stake, if liberals can figure out how to do it in a “carbon neutral” way.
MIT Professor, Richard S. Lindzen may be the top climatologist in the world. He was elected to the National Academy of Science (NAS) at the age of 37. He wrote an opinion editorial for the Wall Street Journal, where he stated that he and members of the National Academy of Science did not agree with the notion that the U.N.’s IPCC “Summary for Policy Makers” was based on true science. They concluded it represents a consensus of U.N. politicians (many of whom are also their nations Kyoto representatives.) He stated, “As a scientist, I can find no substantive basis for the warming scenarios. CO2 and methane are minor greenhouse gases, with water vapor accounting for 98% of the greenhouse effect. The earth is cooled primarily by air currents, which carry the heat upward, and poleward. Present models have large errors on the order of 50%. These models are unable to calculate correctly the average earth temperature or variations from equator to poles. Fudge factors are added to get the answers they want! The most alarming long range predictions rely on these untrustworthy models, which cannot even accurately forecast the weather a week from now”!
Lindzen stated that “cloud cover in these models is poorly treated and inaccurately predicted. The models have neither the physics nor the numerical accuracy to deal with water vapor at all atmospheric levels. The models not only exaggerate the warming due to CO2 increase, but they greatly overestimated the past century’s warming. The past century had an average increase of 0.45 C, but the models predict about 2 C (an error of 300%). Present models cannot predict the real world climate! The global cooling trend in the 1950’s-60’s led to a global cooling hysteria in the 1970’s. Dr. Lindzen stated that many people hyping global warming are environmentalists and scientists without any special knowledge of climatology. Of the 700 scientists who signed a petition promoting global warming, only 3 or 4 had any involvement in climatology. 1.7 trillion dollars have been spent on the environmental religion in the last decade!”
The global climate computer models are like a giant Rube Goldberg machine. They are filled with complex positive and negative feedback mechanisms that are scarcely understood. They do not even include variation in sunspots and the radiant energy of the Sun. So how can they accurately predict what the climate will be in 20, 50, or 100 years? When the models were run backward they were wrong, wrong, wrong. The only thing these computers are good for is to frighten people about future temperatures and ice melting.. They are not big enough, fast enough or smart enough. Science has not advanced to the degree where it fully understands the complete physics of clouds, sunspots, cosmic rays, the wobble of the Sun’s orbit, turbulence, etc. Climatologist Patrick Michaels, in his review of climate computer modeling, reported the models are highly flawed and based upon a true miscarriage of science. They performed worse than a table of random numbers. They cannot “hindcast” past climate and cannot reliably forecast!
Man cannot predict the weather beyond 4 or 5 days, let alone 100 years. Yet we have been continually bombarded by alarmist headlines predicting gloom and doom from future weather changes. Consider the four climate disasters (cooling, warming, cooling, warming) predicted by the New York Times in the last 110 years:
February 1895; “Geologists think the world may be frozen up again. Doomsayers say Canada may be wiped out and lower crop yields will cause billions to die.”
March 1933; “America is in the longest warm spell since 1776 as temperatures record a 25 years rise.”
June 1974; “Weather aberrations may be harbinger of another ice age.”
December 2005; "Climatologists state the ice cores left no doubt that burning fossil fuels is warming the atmosphere in a substantial and unprecedented way.”
Newsweek (April 28, 1975) wrote of the 1970s global cooling scare; “Ominous signs indicate the earth’s dramatic cooling portends a drastic decline in worldwide food production and massive famine. The evidence is so massive, meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it. The National Academy of Science warns the cooling will force worldwide economic and social change. They also admit the reason for cooling is a mystery. Climatologists are afraid the politicians may wait too long to take any action. Some propose melting arctic ice caps by covering them with black soot! (Aren’t you glad that Congress did nothing!)
The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been the leader in disseminating the lies on global warming. The four basic lies of IPPC are:
CO2, the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, increased markedly by human activity, and by far exceeded the natural CO2 range for the last 650,000 years.
Since 1750, human activities warmed the climate.
The warmth of the last century is the highest in the past 1300 years, and very likely caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases.
Anthropogenic warming will continue for centuries and by the end of this century the average global temperature will increase by 1.1 to 6.4 C.
Bad politics was followed by bad science when IPCC issued a 21 page “Summary for Policy Makers” in Paris on February 2, 2007. It was a mantra of catastrophe presented in grandiose style designed to induce a tsunami of worldwide hysteria. The Eiffel Tower was blacked out to show that electricity is bad! Three months later the 1600-page scientific report was released. True science works the other way; a report is written first, and then a summary of the report is written! IPCC stated, “The delay is needed for “adjustments (fudging!) of the main text…to insure consistency with the Summary”! This is not science, but politics! “This is a strange and unusual method of producing a scientific report", according to Dr. Zbigniew Jaworowski. (“CO2: The Greatest Scientific Scandal of Our Tim”, (submitted April, 2007 to U.S. Senate Committee Hearings)
Dr. Jaworowski is one of the world’s top glaciologists. His degrees include an M.D., Ph.D. and D. Sc. He has conducted scientific studies of dust, pollution, and CO2 ice cores from glaciers all over the world including, Tatra mountains in Poland, in the Artic, Antarctic, Alaska, Norway, the Alps,, the Himalayas, the Andes and others. His scientific analysis of the U.N.’s CO2 data indicates deliberate manipulation and falsification of their charts to indicate a constant 280 parts per million (ppm) of atmospheric CO2 prior to the industrial age. German researcher Dr. Ernst-George Beck in his paper reached a similar conclusion, “180 Years of Atmospheric CO2 Gas Analysis by Chemical Methods. (Energy and Environment, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2007). Both Dr. Jaworowski and Dr. Beck have shown the method used by U.N. to measure the CO2 in ice cores was completely erroneous. Instead of the U.N’s fairy tale that ancient CO2 values were a constant 280-ppm, from creation to 1750 A.D., some of the values shown by Beck and Jaworowski have been as high as 400 –600 ppm.
CO2 is not poison and it is not our enemy. CO2 and oxygen are the twin gases of life. Humans and animals breathe in oxygen exhale CO2. Plants breathe in CO2, make carbohydrates, and breathe out oxygen. We feed the plants and they feed us. God knew what he was doing! Researchers have run plant experiments doubling CO2 from 280 ppm to 600 ppm. The increase in wheat, oranges and pine trees ranged from 41% to 265%. If Al Gore’s misguided efforts to decrease our available CO2 are successful, expect to see a drop in our food production and starvation! We need all of the CO2 we can get.
For more information on this Gore/U.N. scheme to take over the world’s economy, one should use his computer and google “Global Warming Swindle”. You will find a 73-minute video documentary produced by British television Channel 4. Nine eminent scientists describe their research that debunks the Gore/U.N. fairy tale. Their conclusion: There is no global warming! We’ve already spent trillions of dollars on a trivial non-problem. Share this information with friends in order to prevent the spread of the global warming hysteria and to prevent any government attempt to fix this non-problem with enormous tax increases. The former Prime Minister of France, Jacque Chirac, has called the Global Warming Kyoto protocol the first step in world governance.
Dr. Edward F Blick
Former U.S. Air Force Weatherman,
Prof. of Engineering, Adjunct Prof. Of Medicine
and Adjunct Prof. of Meteorology, Univ. Of Oklahoma, 1959-2007