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2004 Adventure Safaris Yearly Report

Student picture Lompoc 1. Student picture Lompoc

Conference display 2. Conference display

Jalama Beach 3. Jalama Beach

Church Carnival 4. Church Carnival

Russ &
5. Russ & "Lucy"

A special thanks to all our supporters and prayer warriors. We had a year that had many challenges and many rewards as you will see below. Our ministry is an extension of each of you as you give financially and hold us up with your prayers so we can reach others full time with the Creation Gospel.

We try to get an e mail prayer letter to each of you every other month.
If we missed you please let us know. If you know someone who would like to receive out ministry news let us know. We are available to speak at churches, camps, and seminars. JANUARY When we originally arrived, we had a storage unit at Nipomo, about a 20 minute drive away. I was able to find a storage unit near our house in Santa Maria only 3 minutes away. I have a homeschool family that has a barn at Arroyo Grande (30 mn. away) that lets me keep most of our mobile museum and our utility trailer there. This has been a big help.

I keep the current lesson teaching materials at the storage unit near my home and use that area and my garage for staging and sorting materials. It costs $139 per month. We are praying for a Christian business person who would have room in a store or warehouse to set up a creation science museum. We are also working on the idea of a 4x8x6 foot Kiosk type museum display the we could move around and leave at interested churches in their foyer for a month at a time. FEBUARY The New Year saw us bring in the second half of our Electricity/Physic classes in the homeschools. I had nearly 120 hours of research and development into the eight lessons that make up the second semester.

This was based upon my book “Design v. Chaos” The new model of the Atom based upon classical science and a Biblical world view. I had worked very closely with Dave Bergman on revising the book as well as making a power point presentation of all eight chapters from the book.

The book is 100 pages the Power Point presentation ran to nearly 800 pages including expanded interactive graphics and more in depth information. Dave is making it available through his web site at <commonsensescience .org> and he sold some at a conference in Colorado.
People who read the book and see the Power Point are very excited about the New Spinning Ring Model of the Atom.

We have been attending ministerial association meetings in the 5 city area. I have made some good contacts and have spoken at several churches as a result. I was also asked to speak on a Christian radio that is a few blocks from my home in Santa Maria. I had given out flyers about our ministry at a ministerial meeting. It had been given to a talk show host at the KGDP 660 AM station.

The host, Jim Zimmer, had been wanting to call Carl Baugh (He is on a TV cable station here) and have him come on the program to speak on creation science. When he heard about someone local who could speak, he called the same day as I got home from the meeting and asked if I could come on. Now he has me about two times per month. The best response to one program was two people e mailed me for more information on the Moses Family. This was a talk on Black/white marriages, skin color, and Blacks, Indians, and Asians in the Bible. APRIL We flew to Minnesota to teach for almost the whole month. We were working with Lori Funderburk and Don Slinger to help folks meet them as well as showing Don how we do the classes.

With a quick return from Minnesota we had to get ready for an all day Homeschool Conference. There we had a booth with a display of dinosaur bones and materials we would use for the fall programs on Comparative Anatomy, The Biotic Message, based on Walter ReMine's outstanding work and book called “The Biotic Message.”

We have been attending several different churches in order to meet people and tell about our ministry. One church has a SS class that we started attending and was doing a study in Genesis. They had a time line on the wall that showed that from Creation to Abraham the time was unknown. I could not resist and told them that I could explain, using Biblical Chronology, that that time was known and the Bible timeline was very accurate. They had me give two lessons on Biblical and radiometric dating and we changed the time line on the wall. It was in this month that we offered two one day Adventure Safaris to a Jalama Beach. (pronounced Ha-la-ma) about 30 miles south of our town. We started out meeting the students and parents at a museum in Lompoc, a town south of Santa Maria. Here we showed a power point program that explained the geology of the area and how it was affected by Noah's Flood. We also showed them the extensive Chumash Indian artifacts in the museum and how their intelligence and technological sophistication show these Indian people were made in the image of God not apes. We then drove to a geological formation called a Syncline and gave a creationist interpretation of it. From there we went to the beach.

On the way there we stopped at another geological formation and, using a flood tube, showed how the Flood would deposit sand and rock to form the layers of strata we see today. Tricia and I had also written a poem about “Calamity Clam” and how she gets buried so deep in Flood mud that she cannot dig out and so becomes a fossil. Once we got to the beach we searched for fossils. When we had been there before, Tricia and I had found fossilized coral, shells, and whale bone. If folks did not find a fossil, we gave out a baculite marine fossil we had collected in the Badlands. We had a craft for the kids. They were to find a flat beach rock the size of a silver dollar (though few new what that was!) and then we supplied sticks for them to make a miniature Indian axe. The Adventure Safari ended with a pot luck BBQ and a lot of good fellowship. Many parents and student said this had really helped them to see God's work in the geology and fossils. I had spent a lot of time in April while in Minnesota, sorting more stuff at our old place in Andover. Out two sons, Ryan and Kevin loaded the rest in a U haul truck and drove it out to Santa Maria in May. We unloaded into out garage and storage center. Things I had been looking for to complete lessons finally turned up. We are thankful for the fellow's safe trip out and their great help in moving. Moving costs ran about $6000 for the two trips. Your tax deductible gifts to our ministry for this move are much appreciated.

Dinosaur Dig. See our web site for pictures and a report on the dig. Look for a special discovery of rounded balls of mud. How they were made might account for larger rocks we have found and be evidence for Noah's Flood. <www,> JULY We put on a Dinosaur Camp (DVBS) program for Santa Maria Community Church. We had almost 40 students. We brought in the utility trailer with Noah's Ark, dinosaur fossils, games, and crafts. We had written a devotional work book that the student assistants used with their kids. (They were in groups of 10) We ended the day camp with a BBQ and Dinosaur Hunt on Sunday. The parents of the students came to see their kids receive prizes for their Bible work and attendance. It was very successful and about 11 students became Christians or recommitted their lives to Jesus. You can see the pictures of the Dinosaur Camp on our web site. <www,> AUGUST This month was very sparse for work and income. We had a Skywatch at a home near here. I gave lessons on Gospel in the Stars and Stonehenge, Kevin ran several telescopes for seeing the Moon and stars. Heather gave her Indian foods and technology program by a teepee and campfire. We had about 40 people for that program. One highlight was a ¾ inch to the foot scale model (GI Joe size and the same scale as my Noah's Ark) of Stonehenge showing the rock circles and sight points for calibrating the calendar. We spoke at Oasis Christian Fellowship on Noah's Ark and had games and activities for the families.

We spoke once at First Baptist Church of Lompoc. From this speaking we made contact with a college group that meets at the church every Tuesday. They were excited to have us speak at their meeting. We spoke one time on Witnesses who have seen Noah's Ark and a second time on “Healing Broken Relationships.” This message was well received and some wanted a recording of it. Several raised their hands in an invitation to go to loved ones and ask forgiveness for past hurts. We are working with the leadership to put together a weekend seminar on several creation topics for winter break.

Tom Mills is a new friend we met who just retired from teaching history in public school. He has a burden to reach students with history that shows God's hand in history. He will present a lesson on some of the underlying world view of college text books so students can better defend their faith in God. Tom has a wealth of information and we enjoy fellowshipping and working with him. Pray we can meet with more college groups and help them defend their faith in college and their careers. SEPTEMBER We started the New Year doing Creation Science Comparative Anatomy: The Biotic Message in four schools at four towns. Plus three of them also do our Exploring God's Basement program that my daughter Heather and I do together. We are showing the interaction between Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses and the Egyptian nation. A highlight of this series was using Dr Billington's (from Northwestern Collage, MN) report on a mummy that may have been Pharaoh's son who died in the 10th plague. We flew out to Minnesota for 10 days to work with Don Slinger and Lori Funderburk our new teachers there. We did our first 4 lessons in 5 schools. Don and Lori are great teachers and we are excited to have them on out teaching team. John Nuckols is also out veteran teacher in Minnesota and has 14 or more schools and reaches over 500 students. We enjoyed going to the wedding of his oldest daughter, Melissa when we were there in April.

We helped at the Calvary Baptist Church Carnival. They are building a church and had a carnival to reach people in the neighborhood to tell them about the new church building. We displayed Noah's ark and also provided a miniature Bible Golf Game. Six hundred adults and children came to see the action. We had meetings with the church's college group two times before the carnival to teach them about the ark construction and witnesses who had seen it. Students from the class volunteered to help run the booth at the carnival. They showed the kids the Ark and helped them play a game that goes with the Ark. Several pastors who came through were interested in the Ark program.
We took a trip to San Diego and went to the ICR Museum, and Museum of Man
(Secular) You can see in the attached photo that I got to meet “Lucy” whom I am speaking on this Fall (Not too favorably by the way)

We put on the program “Pocahontas, Her Spiritual Journey,” at Calvary Chapel for their Thanksgiving Eve program. It went well and we met several folks of Native American decent. Many were touched by the Christian witness of Pocahontas and her influence as a peace maker between two different cultures; the Powhatons and the Europeans. In November we borrowed a video camera to record our classes. We have not gotten as many schools as we needed to live here. We think God is telling us to record our lessons and package them with the Power Point program and a DVD of my speaking. We will be selling them over the internet. Pray we can sell 10-15 per month. That would help a great deal to supplement our income.

We set up our living room as a TV studio and record there. It is too hard to record live in the class room as the lighting is bad and there are too many interruptions. We do record some of the activities and will put that on the DVD. We bought a new Sony MiniDV camera with a microphone input. If you would like to help pay for the cost of this camera and a DVD burner you can make a tax deductible gift to our ministry. Together the cost of camera, DVD burner, and editing program will run $750. We hope to have Lessons 1-8 done to start to sell it in January 2005. Pray I can quickly learn how to run the editing and copying system. As many know, I was in video production for 14 years, but much of the equipment has changed so I have to re-learn some things, especially the computer editing system. DECEMBER We spoke at Agape Christian School, Santa Maria for three and a half hours on the Biotic Message and a dissection of a fish. This is a school for low income children and we wanted to give our services at no cost as unto the Lord. The students were very grateful and enthusiastic.

This month has been a wrap up the year month. We are having Ryan fly out from Colorado where he has an EMT job (Emergency Medical Team) Kevin is getting more involved in fire fighting having been accepted over several others to work as a volunteer at a local fire station. We thank the Lord for coming to earth to be born to die as our Savior. Though we have had our share of trials and tribulations, Jesus watches out for us and stands beside us to see us through. We are thankful for that.

Our income has been down this year as we did not get as many schools as we had projected. Santa Barbara, Thousand Oaks, and Camarillo did not run this year as they had when we flew out from Minnesota. We think they did not have us again because leadership changed that did not have a vision for creation science. Tricia spent more than 20 hours calling and e mailing them to try to work out classes. Pray we can get these schools going for Fall 2005. In the past we have had camps to teach at during the summer but this year was sparse. As a result we had to live on the equity in our home for August. We still have found a health insurance provider that we can afford.

Please pray that we can get this for the new year.

1. We would like to outreach to the neighbors around our home.
2. Get curriculum packages on the web for sale.
3. Find a person to help start a museum and creation science training center.
4. Book three Dinosaur Camps (DVBS) for summer.
5. Raise more support from local churches.
6. Have more outreach to the Spanish community.
7. Have an outreach to Washington State where we have many people who
would like us to come and teach.
8. At the Adventure Safaris Dinosaur dig, Lemmon ,SD we want to do a more detailed
study and explanation of the strata of the area and have a Christian geologist visit.
9. Revise our Creation Science Dinosaur Dig Workbook and make it in color. 10. Work with Christian author, Charlotte Wilcox, to write a children's book on the adventure of dinosaur digging at our SD dig.

We appreciate your prayers and financial support for these goals. We are all a team for the Kingdom of God and together we can make a difference for getting out the Gospel message of God's love and mercy.

Adventure Safaris is under Twin Cities Creation Science Association
The McGlenns are home missionaries under Twin Cities Creation Science Association. (TCCSA)

Make your tax deductible gift to:
c/o Byron Twiss
8100 32nd Ave. N.
Crystal, MN. 55427

For information call or write:
Russ and Tricia McGlenn
1448 W. Sonya Lane
Santa Maria, CA., 93458
Ph 805 925 9750
E mail: russmcglenn{at}

Call Russ McGlenn at (612) 434-5047 for further details on trips, activities, and fossil reproductions.

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If you would like Adventure Safaris Teaching
In California
Russ McGlenn
In Minnesota
Lori Funderburk
John Nuckols
See his website
Don Slinger

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