Reply to Dr. Ross Olson on the Second Law of
By Robert Holloway
November 27, 2000
In your response of today, to my posting, you suggest
that other arguments, outside of the Second Law of
Thermodynamics, be used in the discussion of the Second
Law of Thermodynamics and its relation to evolution.
I am not opposed to a discussion of other aspects of
evolution. However, the argument that Creationists have
been making is that the Second Law of Thermodynamics
prohibits evolution. If you want to succeed in that
line of argument, then it is not honest for you to
bring in unrelated factors to help with your case. It
could be, for example, that some type of intelligence
is necessary to convert raw matter and energy into
a more organized form. If you can prove that, you have
proven only that something else is required to create
organized forms and evolution. You have not proven
that the Second Law of Thermodynamics prohibits
evolution because the Second Law of Thermodynamics
says nothing at all about mechanism or intelligence.
It deals only with final and initial conditions and
certain limits on those conditions.
Surely you can see the difference in these two
approaches. Maybe an analogy will be helpful here,
although I am surprised that you cannot readily
accept the idea. Suppose the Internal Revenue Code
allows pastors to accept tax free housing from
their congregation, on the very specific grounds
that only pastors are allowed this perk, based on
a very specific part of the tax code, let's say
section 4.52. This section requires the clergyman
to show proof that he is an active pastor.
Now a certain pastor is called upon to prove in
tax court that he is due this free housing allowance.
Suppose his lawyer tells the judge that the pastor
is due the tax free allowance due to the fact that
the pastor was a chaplin in the Korean war and
provides no evidence whatsoever that his client
is currently a clergyman, as required by the tax
code. The judge would surely say that the attorney
is not arguing on the proper basis and insist that
the arguments be made on the basis of the relevant
portion of the tax code, rather than some unrelated
argument. Only issues relevant to the particular
portion of the tax code would be allowed in this
case and it would be a foolish attorney indeed who
tried to make the case on grounds that have nothing
to do with the applicable law. If the pastor is to
prove his point, he cannot use just any argument but
he must prove his point in accordance with the proper
section of the tax code, if he wants the benefits
of that portion of the tax code.
You say that reliance on a 150 year old law is outmoded
and other ideas should be considered. The fact is that
the Second Law of Thermodynamics is still considered to
be valid and any variations or modifications of it
must be considered questionable until they become
generally accepted. The vague and inaccurate versions
of the law, that you and Ms. Fryman have proposed, have
not been accepted by the scientific community. And to my
knowledge, they have not even been seriously proposed.
It is the Creationists who have claimed that the 150
year old Second Law of Thermodynamics prohibits
evolution. It is not my claim. If what you say is
true, then show that your proof is based on an
accurate statement of the Second Law. You cannot do
that and that is the reason for your frustration. It
is dishonest for you and other Creationists to make
your own version of thermodynamics or to use any
unrelated arguments because your side has claimed
that it is the traditional Second Law of Thermodynamics
that does not allow evolution. Let me repeat that. You
Creationists have claimed that it is a law from
mainstream science that prohibits evolution. For
you to prove that, you have to use the mainstream
formulation of the Second Law. The use of any other
formulation or any arguments outside of the Second
Law is a dishonest approach on your part. You are
not free to develop a "Voodoo" version (an incorrect
version) of the Second Law and use that to prove
your point. Nor can you legitimately add things
to the second law, because the original claim
that you are defending involves only the Second
If you creationists want to admit that the old
Second Law of Thermodynamics does not, in and of
itself, prohibit evolution, then that would be
a giant step forward and we can discuss those
other things that you think do prohibit evolution.
But that is not the claim that has been made by
your side. Your claim is that the Second Law of
Thermodynamics, in and of itself, prohibits
evolution. Ms. Fryman wants to create some new
version of the Second Law but the Creationist
line on this issue is not original with her but
goes back at least 25 years and was originally
based on the traditional version of the Second
Law. You feel a need now to modify that version
a little because you feel that it does not quite
do the job, isn't that right?
Maybe you don't have as much confidence in
the laws of Thermodynamics as I have. But if
you do not, it is up to you to show that there
is something better. You have not done that
and the talk about a "generalized" Second Law
from which the commonly accepted Second Law
is derived, is sheer nonsense. To be more
precise, Creationists have not claimed that
they have a special version of the Second
law that prohibits evolution. Rather, they
have claimed that the traditional, 150 year
old Second law is what prohibits evolution.
Perhaps Ms. Fryman is having trouble defending
that claim and she needs to modify the Second
Law into a more convenient form. The book
on thermodynamics that you referred to is
just a feeble attempt, in 150 pages, to pull
Creationism out of the hole that Gish and
others have dug for themselves over the past
25 years. With these articles on your web
site, you are just digging your hole deeper.
What you now seem to prefer is to set aside
the Second Law and develop new arguments
unrelated to the Second Law. Very well, but
at least admit to yourself that you can no
longer defend your position using only the
Second Law even though that is the original
claim by Creationists. Your side didn't say
that the Second Law when used with six other
unrelated arguments, prohibits evolution.
Your claim was more ambitious than that and
now you realize that it cannot be defended in
its original form. Basically, what you are
doing is retreating from your original position,
it seems to me.
Incidentally, I looked at the web site
that you mentioned on alternative physics
and I don't consider it very promising.
New ideas are necessary but for every
good new idea, there are a hundred bad
ones. To me, it seemed lacking in supporting
Near the end of your comments you claim that
my views on this issue are the result of social
pressures rather than my own reasoning. You don't
know that and you are mistaken. You seem to
think that there is some grand conspiracy to
promote a certain line over others. Nonsense!
In my Ph.D. program, I was not required to
discuss the Second Law. It was one of many topics
upon which to write, in a very small
portion of the program. I happened to have had a
good background in the area, so I voluntarily
selected that subject out of several
that I could have selected. I don't mind being
a rebel if I think the cause is just. But quite
often a scientific idea has the support of the
bulk of the scientific community for very good
reasons. I would say for instance, that the
mainstream medical community has very solid
reasons for not accepting the idea of demon
possession as a valid approach to medicine. I
think you have some personal experience with
that issue, don't you? But we digress. Let's
keep this discussion limited to the Second
Law of Thermodynamics and whether or not it
prohibits evolution. That is the key issue
that your side would like to avoid right now.
Whenever you are prepared to admit that
the Second Law does not prohibit evolution,
then we can discuss other lines of evidence
where you may be more successful.
Robert Holloway
Nevada Technical Associates, Inc.
Phone 702-564-2798 or Fax 702-558-7672