Where to Find Other Resources
See Also
Book List
Lehrke Productions no longer exists
But You Can Get The DVDs of Many TCCSA Meetings
For a list of DVDs of TCCSA meetings presently available, Click HERE
or Contact Dave Johnson .
The Christian Resource Center also has its lending DVD library available at TCCSA meetings.
Bookstore of TCCSA
Some books or videos associated with speakers may be available at meetings and samples can be examined but there will no longer be a large stock of multiple items.
Books and videos can be ordered from many of the resources listed on our Links Page
Especially consider:
Creation Moments
Great Works Catalog: Creation Videos, Books, Music, Artifacts and Art
Click HERE for the first half of the Catalog. (2.5 MB)
Click HERE for the second half of the Catalog. (2.5 MB)
Click HERE for the first page of the order form.
Click HERE for the second page of the order form.
Institute for Creation Research
Answers in Genesis
Videos of the Southern Minnesota Association for Creation Meetings are available from Bryce Gaudian
See the list and order form .
Visit SMAC Web page .
Christian Resource Center -- Grace Church Roseville
See CRC for details. It is a lending library for books and videos for those who do not wish to purchase. You may pick up or have the resources mailed.
Other Resources are listed on the Links and Other Organizations pages.
Linda Gunderson , (763) 559-6616, 12300 - 23rd Avenue North, Plymouth, MN
55441, is also a good resource person for finding materials.
(some titles may be duplicated in different sections)
A is for Adam , by Ken & Mally Ham, illustrator Dan Lietha (Youth)
Darwin on Trial , by Phillip E. Johnson
Origins: Creation or Evolution , by Richard Bliss
Darwin's Enigma , , by Luther D. Sunderland
Creation's Tiny Mystery , by Dr. Robert V. Gentry
(Polonium Halos in igneous rocks indicate instantaneous creation of the parent atoms.)
Fingerprints of Creation
The Young Age of the Earth
Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence For Catastrophe Dr. Steve Austin
Creation-Evolution Debate(Does the Scientific
Evidence Favor Creation or Evolution?) Walt Brown/James Fetzer
Evolution: Fact or Belief?
Focus on Darwinism: An Interview with Michael J. Denton
Focus on Darwinism: An Interview with Phillip E. Johnson
Darwinism: Science or Naturalistic Philosophy debate between Phillip E. Johnson & William B. Provine
The Education Debate Australian John Mackay defeats 4
evolutionist university professors
Your Answer to Bible Skeptics John Mackay
Suitable For Curriculum Texts
Origins: Creation or Evolution , Richard Bliss In The Beginning - Special Edition by Dr. Walter Brown
Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation , by Dennis R. Peterson
Illustrated Origins Answer Book by Paul Taylor
It's a Young World After All by Paul S. Ackerman
History: Scientists who believed, or Christian patriots
The World of Living Fossils , John Mackay(thoroughly enjoyable, very successful in classrooms)
Teacher's Resource
The Search for the Origin of Life by Australian John Mackay
outstanding videos & texts, being used in public schools (Creation Research,
615-374-3693, call for brochure)
Scientific Fiction
(Creation Science in a Fictional Setting)
D is For Dinosaur by Ken & Mally Ham
( Includes rhymes, coloring, teacher's guide ) -- ages 4 - 10
What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs? by John Morris and Ken Ham -- ages 4-12
Noah's Ark
In Search of Noah's Ark Don Shockey on Terry Canady's "The Truth (as I see it)" cable program (Fantastic interview!)
Ararat-In Search of Noah's Ark Don Shockey - latest evidence from the leading Ark researcher/explorer, Roseville 4/97
Noah's Ark & the Middle East Don Shockey - 1992 Twin Cities Int'l Creation Conference, update on Mt. Ararat
Crusaders of the Lost Ark Australian Broadcasting Company-Four Corners program (phantom ship site)
Visions of Ararat - actual '90 expedition air footage, set to music (available from Visual Arts Enterprises 714-661-1251)
The Search For Noah's Ark John D. Morris - docu-lecture, veteran Ararat explorer
The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark Sunn Int'l Pictures - 1993, latest research, dramatized - home showing only
The Biota & Logistics of Noah's Ark John Woodmorappe - 1994 Int'l Conference on Creation, technical
The Great Flood: A Visit with Noah & Sarai Eugene Sattler Creation Education Asc. - grandfather Noah tells the story
Adventure on Ararat: In Search of Noah's Ark John Morris - talk by veteran Ark explorer
Flood Videos
Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence For Catastrophe Dr. Steve Austin, filmed before, during & after 1980 eruption
Evidences: The Record & the Flood Geoscience Research - how layers are formed, etc, Jr Hi-Adult - home showing only
Liquifaction Dr. Walter Brown - speech Rochester Creation Society mtg, 9/96, evidence as to how fossils sorted by Flood
A Geologist Looks at Noah's Flood John D. Morris - evidence for the flood and an ice age
The Deluge John D. Morris - answers troubling questions about the flood, filmed at ICR and in Turkey
The Evidence for Noah's Flood Australian John Mackay (available from Creation Research, 615-374-3693)
The World of Living Fossils John Mackay - thoroughly enjoyable, very successful in classrooms (number above)
The Grand Canyon Catastrophe Keziah & American Portrait Films - legends, new evidence for global flood
Grand Canyon - Monument to the Flood Steve Austin - documentary on the Grand Canyon, answers many questions
The Grand Canyon: A Biblical View of Earth's History Andrew Snelling - evidence of rapid sediment deposition
In The Beginning Keziah & American Portrait Films - catastrophic plate tectonics and the Genesis Flood
Kansas Fossils & Noah's Flood by Wayne Spencer - evidences, taped for "Origins" TV program
Radio Carbon, Creation, & the Genesis Flood Creation Science Foundation, Australia, Dr. Russel Humphreys
For A List Of Books and Videos Recommended by the British organization, Adam and Eve IT, click HERE .
Videos of TCCSA Meetings
Lehrke Productions no longer exists
But You Can Get The DVDs of Many TCCSA Meetings
For a list of DVDs of TCCSA meetings presently available, Click HERE
or Contact Dave Johnson .
The Christian Resource Center also has its lending DVD library available at TCCSA meetings.
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